Jan-M. Studt

Freelance IT Consultant

Systems Architect

Big Picture

Clear Communication

Cloud (AWS)


Web- and Application Development


Hamburg, Germany

Focus Areas

„What can I help you with?“

Artificial Intelligence

Opportunities Instead of Headlines

Beyond the hype, AI can be helpful!

Here’s where human intelligence comes into play:

Where can AI reliably and effectively assist your company?

Into the Cloud!

Heavenly security instead of hellish cost

I can advise you on implementing cloud technology so that you can benefit from security and scalability without falling into complexity or cost traps.

IT Optimization

Make existing systems better, faster, and more efficient.

Slow or unreliable IT systems frustrate your employees and drive away your customers.

Let’s discuss improvement and cost-saving potentials.


„How can I help you?“


Benefit from my experience!

I can supplement knowledge that your organization lacks and provide guidance on IT projects.

Interim CTO / Project Manager

Instant Manager - Just Add Budget

I can assume the relevant role in your organization for the duration of a project.


Let my team of exp

While consultation is essential, if you lack the necessary resources in-house, we can handle the implementation as well.

Project Workflow

Initial Steps

Here’s how it works:


Invoicing will be handled through my GmbH (German LLC).



Mail: ich@janstudt.de

OR just use my AI Hybrid Chat!

It's easy:

When I'm online I can answer your queries directly.

Otherwise, my AI will try it's best to help you.

Data Protection: Do not entrust personal or sensitive information to the AI Hybrid Chat.

Caution: AI may be confused. AI statements are not necessarily correct.

AI Hybrid Chat